Want the new photos of Stacie in High Quality? Your wish has been granted! I've tracked down the Tumblr page of Australian photographer Josh Baker, who took the stunning photos of Stacie, and have uncovered some HQ quality snaps of Stacie! Enjoy all the untagged HQness, and if you wanna check out some other work of Baker's, including photos of Jordin Sparks, head to joshbaker.tumblr.com!
Here's another one!
I see he took Cannon Mapp's pics too. lol That's probably how she meet him.
If anyone has a Flickr account post a comment on one of the pics asking if they know what the pics are for and what she's up to. He replied to other people on the pic comments.
Just a thought.
Sorry for all the comments, but I think this shoot was from 2008. When Stacie first posted that window pic that was late 2008. Most of the pics were uploaded in June of 2009. I think he's just getting to uploading the pics. So....
essas fotos são do final de 2008 realmente, Stacie está absolutamente LINDA!
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